41] Receiver, a Smoothing tool example, By Gabriele Scibilia.
This uses Imagine v4.0 Smoothing tool feature,
it is based upon a Lightwave Metaform tutorial by James Trew.
In the Detail Editor:
- Add axis at 0, 0, 0.
- Pick select, Lock to grid (grid size is 20 units), Add lines.
- Click left mouse button to the following coordinates:
0, 0, -40;
-20, 0, -40;
-60, 0, -20;
-80, 0, -40;
-100, 0, -40;
-100, 0, 0;
-60, 0, 60;
0, 0, 60.
- Enter Mold requestor, Sweep: sweep angle 360, 8 sections.
- Copy and Paste object.
- Transformation, position the new object to 460, 0, 0.
- Transformation, align the new object to 12, 0, 90.
- Pick the original object and align to -12, 0, 90.
Now we model the handle:
- Add axis at 200, -25, 50.
- Pick select, Lock to grid, Add lines to:
80, -25, 0;
40, -25, 60;
180, -25, 80;
300, -25, 80;
420, -25, 60;
380, -25, 0;
280, -25, 20;
200, -25, 20;
80, -25, 0.
- Enter Pick edges method.
- Pick the upper 3 edges (multipick), Set edge line.
- Pick the remaining edges, Fill to edge line.
- Pick object method.
- Extrude the shape 50 units.
- Pick all faces, Fracture.
- Pick object, multipick all objects, Slice.
- Delete the intersecting resulting objects.
- Join and Merge all objs.
- Pick all faces, Fracture, Smoothing tool, smoothing factor to 10.
Pages made from the amigaguide version with the help of Mike's
and the fabulous Dietmar's GoldED with the
WWW extension v2.